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About Us

The CSEA Institute was founded by Phil Clements in 2013 to provide training for Cathedral Consulting Group, LLC, a group specializing in small enterprise advising. This training was based on his years of experience and knowledge, and now that it has served Cathedral well we are making parts of it available to the general public. Divided into smaller segments, the purpose of each course is provide an introduction level education on a specific topic.

After completing CSEA certificate programs, you will be able to answer those questions.


  1. How to be a better consultant and provide the best service to your small business clients? How to improve the client understanding of their situation?
  2. How does product mix affect management decisions? What are the analysis tools?
  3. How is gross margin calculated for different industries? In the professional service industry? Manufacturing industry? Food service industry? Property ownership industry? Retail industry?
  4. Why are financial systems important to a small business? What is the different levels of financial department roles?
  5. How is executive compensation designed for small business?
  6. How much cash is in the bank? What is liquidity? What are the terms for cash management?
  7. What is Market Position? Who is the competition? How to analyze the competition? What to do with the Internet as competition? What is the size of the market? What to do with this information?
  8. What are the steps for the 3 year plan? How to use of charts for the 3-year plan?
  9. What is the right exit strategy for your small business?
  10. What are the key factors for yearend expense planning? What is the IRS planning? What is the Financing and Transaction planning? What are the key factors for yearend bonuses planning? What are the key factors for holiday planning?

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  1. What are the variety of legal issues for nonprofits?
  2. Can a nonprofit own a business? Can the business subsidiary profits flow profits flow to the nonprofit parent?
  3. How does an organization find foundations interested in their mission?
  4. Grant received or rejected – now what? What should we do for grant reporting?
  5. How do bylaws control the composition and activity of the Board?
  6. What is Founder’s Syndrome? How do you mitigate the effects of Founder’s Syndrome? Can Founder’s Syndrome cured? How do you prepare for life without the Founder?
  7. What is the donor lifespan, and how do major donors fit in? How does an organization find major donors? What are the best practices for cultivating major donors?
  8. What motivates Individual Donors? How are Individual Donors cultivated?
  9. What makes the database choice so important? What is the purpose of a Donor Database? What are the uses of a Donor Database? How should an organization choose a Donor Database? Why cover Mission and Strategy together? What are nonprofit and business value propositions similar and different? How can we help the client see the interplay between value and funding?
  10. Who are the organization’s stakeholders, and what data do they want to see?

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